Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Episode 66 - Amiga Upscalers with special guest - Mr. Kola

This week on 10MARC, I am covering four different solutions for displaying or upscaling your Amiga display on a modern monitor. I will cover the RGB to SCART to HDMI solutions, the RetroTink and even some composite solutions. I also have a special guest, Mr. Kola, reviewing the OSSC upscaler for me! Lets get those Amiga's displaying like the should! Follow Mr. Kola on Twitch twitch.com/mrkola and on Twitter @mrkola Thanks to Roushi for the awesome captures from his OSSC! Pick up an RGB to SCART cable here: https://amigastore.eu/en/208-scart-cable-amiga-rgb-to-scart-tv-sound-modified.html How about the SCART to HDMI converter? https://www.amazon.com/VCANDO-Converter-Adapter-Switch-Scaler/dp/B01N06Q9WH/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=scart+to+hdmi&qid=1590458087&sr=8-3 Want an OCCS? https://videogameperfection.com/products/open-source-scan-converter/ How about a RetroTink? https://www.retrotink.com/product-page/retrotink-2x You really need an RGB to Component adapter from Francis https://www.retronicdesign.com/en/amiga-video-to-components-adapter-is-now-available-for-pre-order/ Want to check out some awesome 8 bit videos from Hey Birt! youtube.com/heybirt How about adding a GBS-8220 to your collection? https://www.amazon.com/DEVMO-GBS8200-Converter-Monitor-GBS-8200/dp/B07TWZBQ75/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2XAACX6QBWVKF&dchild=1&keywords=gbs-8220&qid=1590458404&sprefix=gbs-%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFTMzlJTkJYWFhJWCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRJZD1BMDA3NTQwMDE2QzlFNjRRTFA5VSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjIwMzIzQjRPQU9PSUVQSUNUJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== Follow me on Twitter @10marc1 and join me on Patreon! www.patreon.com/10marc

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Episode 65: Amiga 500 Adventures - Pimpin' my A570 CD-ROM

This week on 10 MARC I am exploring my Amiga 500 and upgrading my A570 CD-ROM Drive with 2 MB RAM and a SCSI controller, and topping it off with an SCSI2SD drive! We also have an important special message from our friend Pete Morgan Wanna buy a SCSI2SD? www.inertialcomputing.com Follow Pete Morgan @madpete76 Download that HD Installer software here: http://aminet.net/package/disk/misc/hdinst Check out how to set up a SCSI2SD in my video! https://youtu.be/R4w5EZJkNC0 Come join me on Patreon! patreon.com/10marc And follow me on Twitter @10marc1 and don't forget my website! www.10marc.com

Monday, May 11, 2020

10MARC Episode 64 - 15 Khz LCD Monitors for the Amiga

This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast I am reviewing 5 different LCD monitors that work with our 15Khz RGB port on the Amiga. My test machine is an AGA Amiga 1200, and I will be covering various Amiga resolutions, and quite importantly, how they work with games. Check out the list of 15Khz monitors here: 15khz.wikidot.com Want to catch up on the Amigos? www.everythingamiga.com Check out Edu Arana's site for the RGB to VGA Adapter www.arananet.net Follow me on Twitter @10marc1

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

10MARC Episode 63 - USB on the Commodore Amiga

This week on 10MARC I am covering some of the many USB peripherals we can use on our Amiga computers. If you have a USB enabled Amiga, you can do more than just use a USB mouse, keyboard and flash drive. Join me as I experiment with a few interesting things we can do (or try to do) with USB on the Commodore Amiga. Order a RapidRoad USB and/or X-Surf 100 right here: www.icomp.de You need to order a ZZ9000... https://mntre.com/media/ZZ9000_info_md/2019-08-09-ZZ9000-resources.html Want to download Poseidon? You can do that here: http://dump.platon42.de/files/ Interested in the Thylacine USB? Check this out! http://members.iinet.com.au/~loofy/ It is currently unavailable, but the schematics are there Want to order Roadshow TCP/IP stack? Sure you do! https://www.amigashop.org/product_info.php?products_id=200 Gotta Sync your Palm? Get the software here: http://aminet.net/package/comm/misc/PalmGUIv3 Want to try the cAMIra software with your webcam? Hope you have better luck than me... http://aminet.net/package/util/misc/cAMIra
Check out my website: www.10marc.com Care to become a Patron and support my hard work? www.patreon.com/10marc Follow me on Twitter! @10marc1