This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast I am reviewing the "New" release of ImageFX 4.5 - It is not really new, but it is finally available again! Come join me as I cover installation and go through some of the issues I found with the software. Bust rest assured this is worth every penny! Warm up your Amiga Computer and let's get to work editing photos on your Amiga.
This software works great on any Amiga, but really flies on an A1200 or A4000 AGA Machine. It also handles RTG (Retargetable Graphics) quite well.
It handles digitizers like the Newtek Digiview, Macrosystems V-Lab and even the Newtek Video Toaster quite well.
Where do you buy this?
I Wanna order a poster from Pixel Vixen!
Or watch her videos here...
My review video of the V-Lab capture card:
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