Sunday, November 11, 2018

Episode 9 - Amiga on the Internet

Why on earth would we put our 25+ year old Amiga's on the Internet? Well... because we can! THis week I cover a few ways to get your Amiga's online, what software we can use to do it, and some of the places you can go once you are online.

I will be the first to admit that it is not a pleasant browsing experience, but it is great for grabbing files off of Aminet and for exchanging files with your PC or Mac.

You can view the episode on YouTube Here.

You can download an MPEG1 version here for viewing on your real Amiga.

Helpful links:

Roadshow TCP/IP Stack AMISSL Releases - You can get 1.1, 2.2 and 3.6 here, as well as 4.2 - Remember, iBrowse does not really support 4.2, so load 3.6 first. iBrowse Web Browser (Demo)

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