Software Links and Instructions for viewing videos on your Amiga

This page is a work in progress

The author of the .hv video playback software, Damage_X, kindly gave me permission to upload just the players to Aminet. The first link is the download for just the playback utilities, and the second goes right to his website so you can download the Windows or Linux conversion utilities.
The players you want are and Just download them and copy them to your Amiga's C directory.

Download the players from Aminet

Download player and conversion utility for Windows

In a nutshell, put the and files in "C" on your Amiga. Save the .HV file from my site on your Amiga on your fastest hard drive. from CLI, just type " <File.hv>" for HAM6 videos and " <file.hv>" for HAM8 videos. At the moment, everything I am doing is HAM6 for speed and file size reasons. I will put up some HAM8 videos later.

RiVA player for Amiga 68K and Vampire equipped Amiga's. This is the best MPEG1 player I could find for most Amiga's. There is a .50 version that includes the "RiVAGUI" in the archive - the graphics front end for RiVA that works great. This GUI works perfect in the .53 version but is not included in the archive. I downloaded both, and just copied the RiVAGUI over to the .53 directory. I will email the author and ask if he can upload the gui into his .53 archive for convenience. Instruction for setup are included in the guide with the software. Stephen Fellner and Henryk Richter appear to be the creators of this fine software.

Riva .50 with GUI

RiVA .53 without GUI

MPEGA.Library - Needed in your LIBS: directory for any audio decoding. Download and decompress this, and copy the appropriate library to your LIBS: folder (mpega020.libray, mpega040.library) - and rename it to mpega.library

To increase framerate, try RiVA in "Hicolor" instead of "Truecolor", or even "Greyscale". You can also reduce the audio quality for increased performance. Playing the audio through AHI (Which is a tooltypes option on the RiVA icon) sounds great, but affects performance. Always save the videos on your fastest hard drive.
I tried to copy videos to RAM:, but RiVA would not play them from there. Strange.

1 comment:

  1. i found the same thing in Riva, it will not play from ram. very odd.
