Amiga Resources and Links

I have a select list of trusted (and awesome) websites and YouTube channels about the Amiga that I would love to share with you. It is by no means all inclusive, so if I missed a good one, comment below and I will gladly add it!

AmigaLove - a great forum filled with great people! They have some great discussions going on over there about new hardware for the A1000 - check it out!

English Amiga Board - One of the greatest resources for support, information and all around Amiga coolness!

Amibay - A great resource for buying and selling all things Amiga and other retro hardware. There are also some good informational forums.

Amigarama - Lorfarius has created a great podcast highlighting Amiga games from the past and also commenting on current Amiga news. Highly recommended!

Lemon Amiga - Another great general information site. Good people here. - A wonderful resource filled with News, Forums and an incredible amount of information going back almost 20 years. And it is working again now!

Dan Woods - - Dan also has a Podcast with Ravi - The Retro Hour Podcast, which is truly excellent.  They get the best guests in for interviews every week!

The Retro Hour Podcast - See above.

Ms Madlemon - Don't miss this one! She is funny, smart and a geek! What a great combo!

Lemontube Amiga - Why the Lemon theme for Amiga stuff? I dunno - someone fill me in. Great video site with lots of Amiga and Retro content.

The - Don't miss this one either. A lot of great videos highlighting the Amiga and also interviews and Amiga show footage!

Aminet - Who among us does not know the mighty Aminet? I would guess most of you visit it at least once or twice a week.

Amigos Podcast - These guys have hundred of Retro, and often Amiga related content. Check it out! - This blog is spreading the Amiga Love everywhere! Great reviews, ,opinions and articles. Check it out!

If I missed any great ones, please let me know.

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