Saturday, May 16, 2020

Episode 65: Amiga 500 Adventures - Pimpin' my A570 CD-ROM

This week on 10 MARC I am exploring my Amiga 500 and upgrading my A570 CD-ROM Drive with 2 MB RAM and a SCSI controller, and topping it off with an SCSI2SD drive! We also have an important special message from our friend Pete Morgan Wanna buy a SCSI2SD? Follow Pete Morgan @madpete76 Download that HD Installer software here: Check out how to set up a SCSI2SD in my video! Come join me on Patreon! And follow me on Twitter @10marc1 and don't forget my website!

Monday, May 11, 2020

10MARC Episode 64 - 15 Khz LCD Monitors for the Amiga

This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast I am reviewing 5 different LCD monitors that work with our 15Khz RGB port on the Amiga. My test machine is an AGA Amiga 1200, and I will be covering various Amiga resolutions, and quite importantly, how they work with games. Check out the list of 15Khz monitors here: Want to catch up on the Amigos? Check out Edu Arana's site for the RGB to VGA Adapter Follow me on Twitter @10marc1

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

10MARC Episode 63 - USB on the Commodore Amiga

This week on 10MARC I am covering some of the many USB peripherals we can use on our Amiga computers. If you have a USB enabled Amiga, you can do more than just use a USB mouse, keyboard and flash drive. Join me as I experiment with a few interesting things we can do (or try to do) with USB on the Commodore Amiga. Order a RapidRoad USB and/or X-Surf 100 right here: You need to order a ZZ9000... Want to download Poseidon? You can do that here: Interested in the Thylacine USB? Check this out! It is currently unavailable, but the schematics are there Want to order Roadshow TCP/IP stack? Sure you do! Gotta Sync your Palm? Get the software here: Want to try the cAMIra software with your webcam? Hope you have better luck than me...
Check out my website: Care to become a Patron and support my hard work? Follow me on Twitter! @10marc1

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Episode 62 - ImageFX for the Amiga Review and Tutorial

This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast I am reviewing the "New" release of ImageFX 4.5 - It is not really new, but it is finally available again! Come join me as I cover installation and go through some of the issues I found with the software. Bust rest assured this is worth every penny! Warm up your Amiga Computer and let's get to work editing photos on your Amiga. This software works great on any Amiga, but really flies on an A1200 or A4000 AGA Machine. It also handles RTG (Retargetable Graphics) quite well. It handles digitizers like the Newtek Digiview, Macrosystems V-Lab and even the Newtek Video Toaster quite well. Where do you buy this? I Wanna order a poster from Pixel Vixen! Or watch her videos here... My review video of the V-Lab capture card:

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Episode 61 - Commodore A570 CD-ROM Review for the Amiga 500

This week I am reviewing the much neglected Commodore Amiga A570 CD-ROM Drive for the Amiga 500. Like so many things, this was ahead of its time in many ways. Come join me while I explore its capabilities! Mentioned in the the show: Check out my friend Joe Jencks and his awesome music! Want to find some CDTV/A570 software? Check out my Patreon: Or my website: And visit me on Twitter: @10marc1

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Episode 60 - Bringing JPEG images into the Amiga -

This week on 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast I am importing JPEG images into my Amiga 1000 and converting them into HAM 6 images, and then creating a presentation with Amigavision. All of the photos were taken during the Quarantine right in my yard. Come join me and learn more about getting JPG files into your Amiga! Mentioned in this show: AmigaBill Youtube: Twitter: @thegurumeditate Twith: Pixel Vixen YouTube: Twitter: @lapixelvixen Her video on HAM images: Our Collaboration on Personal Paint 7.3: Buy Personal Paint here: Dropbox link with the JPG and HAM Images from the show: My contact info: Twitter @10marc1 Web: email:

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Episode 59 - Using PDF files on the Amiga

This week on 10MARC I am covering several clever ways to open up PDF files on your Amiga. Be aware that in order to really do this you will need an AGA Amiga or Vampirized A500/600, or a Big Box Amiga with an RTG card. There just is not a really good ECS PDF reader... Program information: Download Ghostscript here: Download EasyGS from Amigakit: Get GSGui .38 right here... Download RNOPDF for your RTG System: Want to try APDF for your ECS machine? Don't say I did not warn you... and don't forget that there are three files you need to download to use APDF. Take a peek at the instruction on the above link. Follow me on Twitter: @10marc1 Check out my Patreon: Check me out on the web;